Fuel supply systems for industrial boilers

Fuel Supply Systems

Which pellet feeding device is better and fuel feeding systems

The uninterrupted operation of the boiler largely depends on the fuel supply system. V pellet boilers this is realized with the connection of a weekly or monthly loading hopper, which can be standard or custom-designed. In such systems, forced and gravitational transportation are used, often they are combined together. Manufacturers offer various solutions in order to offer equipment at the most favorable price.

Gravity feed from a vertical loader

Vertical or gravitational pellet feeding is the simplest but working pellet feeding device. Method of unloading fuel into pellet hopper Focus also has a cone-shaped pan, which makes it easier for the pellets to enter the screw conveyor.

Gravity Coal Feed in Normann Pro Fire Boiler
Coal gravity feed in the Normann Pro Fire boiler

The gravitational feed in almost all devices complements the screw or forced feed, which is also not a modern development and is known from ancient times. So the technological underpinning of the automatic fuel delivery system is nothing revolutionary. It is based on a mechanical method of dosing granular fuel and feeding it by gravity or forced.

Mine fuel supply

Vertical loading and shaft fuel supply are implemented in Kholmov's long-burning boilers. The increase in the duration of the furnace on one load is based on the use of more fuel, which is loaded into the vertical shaft and lowered as it burns out. In this case, the designer's task was only to maintain a constant flame. The rest is done for him by the gravity of the Earth.

Fuel Supply Systems for Industrial Boiler Houses - Firebox - Solid Fuel Pellet Boilers, Pellet Burners, Industrial

Screw conveyors

In industrial fuel supply systems, gravity feed is used quite rarely, only as part of a general complex. Obviously, a large volume of granular fuel is required for heating micro-districts or heating enterprises. It is usually loaded into underground bunkers to save space. The pellets, respectively, are transported to the boiler forcibly, using a screw feed. The design of such supply systems is usually individual, as it depends on the specific conditions and premises.

Boilers with Automatic Cleaning
Boiler with gravitational auger fuel supply

Specialists brand FOCUS help to design an industrial pellet boiler room according to customer requirements. In this case, it is possible to take into account the existing requirements and make the automatic feeding as convenient as possible in terms of duration and re-loading of the bunker.

Metered fuel supply - automation

Pellet burner will work continuously if fuel is constantly transported into it. This is done with an internal and external screw. All FOCUS pellet burners are equipped with an external feed auger, so for a complete set, you need to purchase a compact pellet hopper. But this only applies to home and office boiler rooms.

Fuel Supply Systems for Industrial Boiler Houses - Firebox - Solid Fuel Pellet Boilers, Pellet Burners, Industrial

In production projects, large loading complexes are implemented, and the design of the fuel supply system is carried out at the stage of construction or major repairs.

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