



Solid fuel boiler: heat supply for gas stations

Gas station heat supply

Heating of a gas station with a long-burning boiler
with pellet burner

Long-burning boilers can be compared with gas in terms of efficiency and comfort of operation, and in terms of fuel availability, respectively, with solid fuel boilers. The simplest design of such boiler equipment is distinguished by a volumetric combustion chamber for laying firewood. But pyrolysis boilers are also on sale, in which not only the thermal energy of solid fuel combustion, but also the heat of the gases released, is used to heat the coolants.


Organize gas station heating
with a pellet burner:

A pellet burner is better than a boiler
long burning in gas station heating?

Gas stations are built as remote facilities that require autonomous heating. Autonomy and economy are the main requirements when choosing heating equipment, since at gas stations it is also necessary to heat open street objects.

The most costly in terms of heat consumption will be heating the client area, since we are talking about open spaces and street heating. In this case, heated air and air heating are used.

The main needs of the gas station for heat:

A pellet burner can provide for gas stations:

On sale you can find such heating units with bottom and top combustion, with a capacity of 6 to 100 kW. The models differ in the location and design of a cast-iron or steel heat exchanger that heats the water coolant. Among consumers, such wood-fired boilers are popular due to their efficiency and low cost.

Despite the rather high power and ease of use, and such a one-time laying of firewood keeps the boiler burning from 6 hours to 8 days, long-burning boilers can be upgraded. This can be done with a pellet burner, which will act as a self-ignited fire source.

If you are dissatisfied with the heat output of a long-burning boiler and other heating devices, but want to install an efficient system with heat carrier temperature control, install a FOCUS pellet burner. You will be able to expand your capabilities and refuse a more expensive gas-fired boiler.

At lower costs, high efficiency can be achieved on a classic solid fuel boiler. Wherein air heating, which is most suitable for gas stations, will require a specialized installation with a pellet burner to burn fuel.

The pellet burner FOCUS, due to its low fuel cost, will provide cheap heat for heating outdoor facilities. Using this technology, costs will be low while consuming the required amount of heat.

Benefits of installing pellet burners
for industrial boilers of other manufacturers:

Boiler room for remote sites for 900 kW

based on FOCUS heating equipment

Are you interested in gas station heating?

If you are interested in FOCUS pellet burners and our other products, but still have questions, please leave your e-mail.


