Industrial greenhouse - heating with wood pellets

Industrial Greenhouse – Heating with Wood Pellet - Firebox - Solid Fuel Pellet Boilers, Pellet Burners, Industrial

Consider profitability: if an industrial greenhouse is heated with wood pellets.

An industrial greenhouse is a large-area covered frame structure. In Ukrainian conditions, glazing can be made with polycarbonate or double-glazed windows. Despite the different thermal conductivity indicators, the heating task does not change conceptually. We are talking about heating a fast-cooling structure that can function during the warm season and all-season. The cost of heat during the year and the heating system itself will depend on this characteristic.

Let's give examples of calculations, starting with the fact that wood pellets and pellet boilers serving the entire complex are most suitable for industrial heating of greenhouses. The cost per kilowatt of heat when heated with granular fuel is shown in the table. The choice of this renewable energy resource implies 50% cost savings relative to the current price of main gas (2020).

Fuel Calorific value according to standard Required amount, 1 kW * h Estimated fuel price Fuel cost per kW
Main gas 8.6 kWh / m3 0.116 m3 8.07 UAH / m3 0.936 UAH
Liquefied gas 12.8 kWh / l 0.0782 l 11.60 UAH / l UAH 0.907
Wood pellets 4.96 kWh / kg 0.202 kg 2,3 UAH / kg 0,464 UAH
Diesel fuel 11.1 kWh / l 0.91 l 15.80 UAH / l UAH 14.37
Electricity 1 kWh 1.68 kWh 1.68 UAH


The table shows that electricity remains the most disadvantageous source of heat. For this reason, the choice of infrared heaters, even with ease of installation and electric fan heaters, is not cost-effective.

We calculate costs for seasonal and all-season industrial greenhouses

Let's calculate the heat consumption in kilowatts. For example, take a domestically produced farm greenhouse 22 m long, 9.6 m wide and 4.3 m high. Outdoor temperature during winter months - -27° С, and in the off-season - at least -5° C. Greenhouse temperature - 15° C.

Heat consumption table

Glazing parameters and work cycles Heating costs, average monthly consumption, (kW * h / month) Required power of the heating system
Covering - polycarbonate 6 mm, from February to December, at an outdoor temperature of -5 ° С 12865 36 kWt
Covering - polycarbonate 8 mm, from February to December, at an outdoor temperature of -5 ° С 12150 34 kWt
Covering - polycarbonate 10 mm, from February to December, at an outdoor temperature of -5 ° С 11100 31 kWt
Covering - polycarbonate 16 mm, from February to December, at an outdoor temperature of -5 ° С 8200 23 kWt
All-season greenhouse
Covering - polycarbonate 6 mm, from February to December, at an outdoor temperature of -25 ° С 12865 75 kWt
Covering - polycarbonate 8 mm, from February to December, at an outdoor temperature of -25 ° С 12150 70 kWt
Covering - polycarbonate 10 mm, from February to December, at an outdoor temperature of -25 ° С 11100 64 kWt
Covering - polycarbonate 16 mm, from February to December, at an outdoor temperature of -25 ° С 8200 48 kWt
Seasonal greenhouse
Covering - single glazing, from February to December, at an outdoor temperature of -5 ° С 11800 33 kWt
All-season greenhouse
Covering - single glazing, from February to December, at an outdoor temperature of -25 ° С 11800 66 kWt


The table shows that an industrial greenhouse will require less heat when sheathing the frame with 16 mm polycarbonate. A double-glazed window is not the most profitable material for glazing and protecting the greenhouse structure from the cold. In this case, for all-season operation, a boiler room with a capacity of 48 kW is required. The costs will be 8200 kW * h / month or 3800 UAH. per month or 45 thousand hryvnia per year.

Wood pellets can help you save money in a year, comparable to buying a new farm greenhouse. With self-production of pellets, the savings become even more tangible, and production can develop at a more intensive pace.

What offers the FOCUS brand for industrial greenhouses

Our company offers to purchase equipment for a pellet boiler room:

The equipment includes firmware control, self-cleaning and pellet augers. Installed in a boiler room near an industrial greenhouse.

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