Overview solid fuel boilers Focus with integrated door for pellet burner
In September 2020, for the first time, the manufacturer was shown to specialists and buyers solid fuel boilers FOCUSadapted for the installation of a pellet burner. Previously, the production company already had experience in the production of heating equipment and offered pellet burners FOCUS power from 17 to 900 kW. The equipment could be installed on the existing floor-standing boilers of household, semi-industrial and industrial type without making any structural changes. We offer you an overview of FOCUS solid fuel boilers, which will help to reveal the features of new heating equipment.

The installation of a pellet burner, as you know, is done in the boiler door. Upon purchase, the manufacturer adapts it to the overall dimensions of the burner. New solid fuel boilers FOCUS and, complete with equipment (burner plus pellet feed hopper), pellet boilers are designed to operate using high-ash agropellets. As you know, foreign boilers provide for the use of only certified fuel pellets, which are less available on the Ukrainian market.
Solid fuel boiler with pellet burner for Ukrainian ash pellets
The FOCUS manufacturing company has revised the architecture of the solid fuel boiler and created a fundamentally new solution. First of all, it is suitable for working with high-ash agropellet, and you can use any available pellet from sunflower waste, straw, furniture shavings, rice cake and corn meal. The boiler is a three-chamber heating unit with a maximum ash pan size and a special hybrid heat exchanger.
The initially plate heat exchanger circuit captures the solid ash particles. The fire tube heat exchanger is maximally accessible for quick cleaning, but ash deposition is also reduced by supporting the complete combustion process.
Start on Ukrainian ash pellet
It is known that buyers who previously purchased foreign-made pellet boilers faced the need to purchase certified pellets. Fuel pellets must comply with EN Plus A-1 and EN Plus A-2, observing the ash content limits of 0.5-0.7% (heat transfer of certified pellets 18-23 MJ / kg). Therefore, the review of FOCUS solid fuel boilers is aimed, first of all, to show the possibilities of operation of equipment with available pellets.
At the same time, there was a need for boiler equipment, which provides for the use of not only pellet fuel from wood, but widely available sunflower husks with an ash content of 3-5% (21 MJ / kg) and other less expensive pellets. They are produced from lignin, peat, waste paper, agricultural waste, the ash content of which can be in the range of 3-15%. Moreover, many farms purchase equipment for self-pelletizing pellets, receiving pellets without a certificate, but suitable for providing their own boiler room.

Equipment for all types of pellets abroad is produced by single companies. This is due to the lack of demand in the EU countries, where compliance with standards is mandatory for consumers.

Eco-boilers for ash pellets
The low ash content of the pellets allows you to burn fuel with high heat transfer, but insignificant emissions of carbon monoxide and CO2 into the atmosphere. But the manufacturer solved these problems technologically, by completely burning the combustion products. For these purposes, the technology of volumetric combustion in flare burners and pyrolysis afterburning of gases are used, which also reduces the volume of ash settling on the walls of boiler equipment.

In fact, FOCUS solid fuel boilers with an adapted door for a pellet burner are a new type of environmentally friendly pellet equipment that provides low carbon monoxide emissions. This is realized using specific thermodynamic processes and combustion conditions in the boiler chamber, supported by the ecoMAX860P1-UA TOUCH microcontroller.

The microcontroller also provides control of external equipment of the boiler room and economical heating with optimal fuel consumption in the autumn-spring and winter periods. In fact, we are talking about the deployment of a pellet boiler house, not only supporting the operation of the boiler with a pellet burner, but also the operation of the entire heating systems with climate control.
Pellet boiler room equipment
Today the company produces all the necessary equipment that will allow the buyer to deploy a pellet boiler room for heat supply of a private house, office, production or retail outlet:
- solid fuel boilers FOCUS for pellet burners with a capacity of 25-500 kW;
- pellet burners FOCUS 17-900 kWsuitable for installation in other boilers without structural changes;
- pellet bins different volumes with automatic feeding (pneumatic and screw).
With professionally executed strapping, correct functional settings of ecoMAX860P1-UA TOUCH, you can get a fully automatic boiler room with minimal CO2 emissions and operating on all types of pellet fuel, as well as on briquettes, wood, coal, if there is a need for backup heating.
To switch to ordinary solid fuel, it is enough to turn off the pellet burner, open the door and use the door in further work for normal boiler loading. The door opening direction can be changed using a set of keys.
How the new Ukrainian eco-boilers FOCUS work on pellets
Any combustion is the combustion of pyrolysis gas released when the carbon fuel is heated. The design of FOCUS boilers provides for the installation of a pellet burner. The heating equipment can work with pellets with the automation of feeding pellets from a pellet collection hopper, also available on the market. The manufacturer has developed FOCUS boilers as devices with a complete fuel combustion process, the product of which is bulk hot air.
FOCUS boiler with installed pellet burner
Heat exchange circuit
To accumulate heat from a large volume of hot air, FOCUS specialists have developed a special advanced convective heat exchanger that successfully removes heat under different operating modes. There are two of them: on pellets when connected to a pellet burner FOCUS and on solid fuel - wood, coal and briquettes.
The FOCUS solid fuel boiler has a combined heat exchanger. It combines the features of a plate heat exchanger, including that used as a structural ash filter. The main convection is provided by a horizontal fire tube heat exchanger in the upper part of the boiler chamber, which is the most efficient and used in pellet boilers and burners.
Heat-resistant heat exchanger circuit of the boiler without turbulators during production

The air supply to the combustion chamber is regulated by a fan. It is assumed that the gas movement observed during the operation of the flare burners is intense enough for heat exchange.
Ash removal
At the request of the buyer and subject to the operation of the boiler on wood pellets with certificate the manufacturer installs turbulators. The usual configuration does not include them. When using ash pellets, they are quickly blown out by ash and hinder the operation of the boiler.
FOCUS solid fuel boilers are equipment with manual ash removal. It is recommended to carry out it at intervals of 7-30 days using an ordinary metal brush. The flame tube heat exchanger is easily accessible through a separate top door. At the same time, the design and thermodynamic conditions of the boiler were made by the manufacturer in such a way as to ensure the minimum ash emission.
Pellet burners FOCUS depending on the model, they can have manual, semi-automatic and automatic cleaning. The FOCUS boiler provides for the installation of a container for an ash collector.
Afterburning of pyrolysis gases
For a full-fledged afterburning of pyrolysis gases released when heating wood and briquettes, a classic approach is used:
- the air supplied to the boiler furnace is divided into two types:
- primary, supplied under the grate for fuel smoldering;
- secondary, which is fed over the fuel. For afterburning pyrolysis gases and minimizing the underburning effect, manifested by smoke;
- the boiler and pellet burner automatics are controlled separately. This allows us to take into account a wide range of equipment operating modes and permissible settings.
This approach is applicable especially when problematic DG coal is used for heating. If necessary and the customer has a need, the production company FOCUS can develop projects for individual boiler houses. They will include the automatic feeding of another solid fuel into the combustion chamber. This is feasible on the basis of the available hardware.
Design features solid fuel boiler FOCUS
Due to the lack of special grades of boiler steel in Ukraine, carbon steel of grade 092GS is used for assembly. This feature is taken into account by the design and thermodynamic characteristics, which maintain a balanced thermal load. For yourself, it is worth, to decide, compare the review of FOCUS solid fuel boilers with the description of products from similar manufacturers.

- boiler drum the manufacturer makes from steel sheets 4 mm. Internal lining - from 6 mm, the structure is reinforced (steel 09G2S). Side walls, if necessary, are sewn up with protective stainless steel plates;
- taking into account the peculiarities of the 092GS steel grade and operational characteristics to prolong the operation of the boiler one-piece sheet steel parts are used. With subsequent assembly using screw connections. At minimal use of welded parts;
- assembly with the maximum number of one-piece and bent elements supplemented by the use of adapters Victaulic. They are used for non-welded connection of pipes in the layout of multifunctional boiler houses with a capacity of up to 2.2 MW;
- for operation in classic mode, FOCUS boilers have a larger loading chamber. This feature implies increased thermal loads on the doors. To avoid this, the doors of the combustion chamber, ash pan and heat exchanger are thermally insulated. They do not heat up during operation. Doors from the outside are treated with heat-resistant powder paint.
The thermal loads of the boiler are always within the safe range. However, operation implies compliance with fire safety regulations. This assumes the use of safety groups, smoke sensors in the piping of the boiler circuit. The manufacturer also installs deslimers and other specialized equipment.

These features make it possible to classify FOCUS solid fuel boilers as premium boiler equipment. First of all, it meets the environmental requirements when working with ash fuel. The manufacturer sells equipment in Ukraine and the countries of the Customs Union. Due to restrictions on the use of high ash granules in the EU. It is offered to Ukrainian buyers at an affordable cost.
What to look for when buying a pellet boiler
Buyers choosing FOCUS pellet boilers insure themselves against overheating of heating equipment. They will also protect themselves from incorrect selection of the burner and inconsistency in the design of the existing boiler. When buying a pellet burner and switching to pellets with minimal costs, you need to consider:
- how efficient is the convection of the heat exchanger;
- is there enough space for ash;
- is there a place in the firebox for opening the pellet torch.
If this is not taken into account, then the user will observe the effect of overheating (pictured). This effect will appear at the slightest blockage of the heat exchanger.