Pellet heating and installation with non-welded fittings (Victaulic or simply “groovelock”)
FOCUS heating equipment is made with a passion for engineering. It can rightfully be called not only the best Ukrainian, but also the best pellet boilers from premium manufacturers. But the main thing about this is that simultaneously pellet heating and installation with non-welded fittings provides the highest level of safety for industrial and municipal boiler houses.
FOCUS pellet boilers are available in combination with Victaulic hydraulic piping kits. This is convenient for private end users in that installation of a boiler with a piping kit is conceptually easier and allows for slight distortions without compromising the strength of the connection.
Fittings for industrial boiler houses Victaulic - this is a guarantee of unprecedented security, in addition to everything, such a level hydraulic piping allows you to increase the service life of four-stage cascade boiler houses for industrial and municipal facilities.
Advantages of quick installation hydraulic units for FOCUS boilers
FOCUS equipment is available for purchase with quick installation kits based on Victaulic pipe fittings. This is a universal solution that completely solves the issue of high-quality hydraulic piping with minimal labor intensity. The kits are made of metal to obtain a complete solution for piping the boiler circuit. Steel and plastic pipelines can be connected to the hydraulic unit.

The units include not only pipe fittings, but also three- and four-way valves. First of all, they are necessary in the system for water treatment and temperature equalization in the heating circuit. The boiler kit includes weather-dependent automation, which allows you to connect an advanced climate control system operating in winter-summer modes, with priority for hot water treatment (the boiler only works on domestic hot water) or without priority.
Ready-made quick connection nodes significantly simplify the installation of the boiler. The harness kit completely follows the diagram, so only connection is required in accordance with the recommendations. These works can be performed independently or with the help of a group of generally qualified mechanics. Heating and installation in such an engineering solution is a unique combination of hand assembly and technology.

Pellet heating and installation of a climate controlled system
We offer and have repeatedly posted several boiler piping schemes:
- without a buffer tank, but with a secondary heating boiler for hot water supply and underfloor heating;
- with buffer capacity and weather regulator operation;
- cascade connection of several types of boilers with a single climate control;
- cascade connection of boilers to increase the total power of the boiler room.
Each boiler model is connected using the proposed piping, a set of which you can buy from us additionally. Trim includes Victaulic fittings and a three-way or four-way valve. This system is easy to install and connect to the heating system even without skills. And it will work stably with a high degree of reliability.