Warm air for heating: air heating system

Air Heating in a Private House

How effective is air heating for home and production

Many consumers believe that warm air for heating in an air heating system is not efficient. The optimality of such a solution is far-fetched, so it is worth considering the pros and cons of deploying such a heating complex in private houses and in factories. Why such objects are considered in this capacity, we explain below.

Lightweight and fast-cooling structures: the specifics of the air heating system

The fact is that air heating is used as the main heating system in frame houses and is installed at the time of construction, as it requires major work. Production workshops are also characterized by high heat losses, so another type of heat supply cannot be applied. Another thing is that the implementation of air heating in practice may differ functionally and technologically, depending on a specific practical case.

How to install heat fans

Experts say that the installation of air heating fans on the walls is not effective. This is due to physical processes:

  • warm air for heating in the system rises upward;
  • warm air masses are distributed near the walls and move towards the ceiling if there is no additional circulation;
  • the middle part of the room remains cold.

For the reasons listed, there can be two options for installing heat sources:

  • ceiling placement of fans of increased power to create active circulation of air flows;
  • placement of air heating points in the floor, especially in the center of the room;
  • the creation of artificial circulation due to air intakes near the ceiling, which take away uncooled air and return it to the system with minimal heat loss.

Another option for heating can be water heating using the "warm floor" technology, which is combined with ceiling air heating, which works at intervals with the intake of not completely cooled air.

Air heating in houses

Air heating in homes is also usually combined with underfloor heating and fireplace heating, contributing to the heating of the home by air currents. Thus, the main problem of this type of heating is eliminated and the temperature in the room is equalized.

Air heating production

Combining air heating with infrared underfloor heating is an effective strategy for creating an acceptable microclimate. Especially when the systems work together. As you know, in factories there is a problem of laying air ducts in the subfloor, therefore, ceiling placement is optimal. For this reason, it must be supplemented with a bottom heating source to equalize the temperature.

Recommended innovations will help you level the disadvantages of air heating. You will be able to focus on the virtues. This is a pleasant atmosphere, an opportunity to refuse massive heating radiators. In factories, it is possible to maintain a constant controlled workshop temperature, eliminating the problem of uneven heating.

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