Heating with radiators for pellet production

Heating Radiators Manufactures

How effective is heating with industrial radiators - expert opinion

Our chief engineer answers the question of how effective heating with radiators is in production. The fact is that the marketing work of the FIREBOX company, which produces FOCUS pellet boilers, is to clarify the options of traditional heating systems to create suitable pellet modules. The same applies to production. The new model of the FOCUS monoblock pellet boiler was created precisely according to these requirements, and one of the three modes is adapted for connecting a radiator heating circuit.

The features of heating with radiators include high-temperature coolant. Pellet boilers with flare burners, such as the FOCUS monoblock boiler, can maintain a high temperature constantly and evenly throughout the entire heating circuit. Thus, radiators in combination with FOCUS pellet boilers have acceptable technical parameters for industrial heating.

Bimetal or cast iron?

Heating with radiators in any case raises the question before designers of choosing the type of radiator. Bimetallic versions heat up quickly, are highly efficient and can be selectively adjusted using a thermostatic valve. Cast iron radiators heat up evenly, cool down for a long time and retain the temperature of the coolant well, reducing heat loss. For industrial premises, both options are acceptable, but the choice of technologists often gravitates towards cast iron batteries, which have an almost unlimited service life. Such radiators are difficult to regulate temperature, so in poorly heated workshops it is better to install cast iron radiators.

Air Heating of Greenhouses with Pellet Boilers

Heating with radiators in factories - the problem of choosing an installation location

Despite the fact that production workshops operate on heat from the factory boiler room, the recent trend is associated with the choice of semi-industrial versions of boilers that are installed near the heating circuit. This solution is very convenient and economical. Moreover, when choosing a FOCUS monoblock, you can combine low-temperature and high-temperature heating with production radiators, providing room heating.

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