Heating with pellets for institutions and shopping centers

Heating with Pellet Institutions and Shopping Centers - Firebox - Solid Fuel Pellet Boilers, Pellet Burners, Industrial

Pellet Flare Burners in industrial heating with pellets

Heat supply of large enterprises is usually carried out with the help of boiler houses operating on fuel oil, coal or slag. But food manufacturers and light industry may well switch to pellet heating. The best option for these purposes will be pellet boilers with torches pellet burners or solid fuel equipment with a pellet module. Today, this equipment allows you to get heat with 95% efficiency at a low cost per kilowatt.

Many industrial enterprises have switched to electric heating precisely due to the high efficiency. But pellet boiler houses with flare burners provide more opportunities, first of all:

  • the ability to regulate heating parameters at any point in the room;
  • installation of air and water heating devices, underfloor heating and heat curtains, operating from a single heat source;
  • cost per kilowatt with 50% savings;
  • Efficiency 95%.

This is realized through the volumetric combustion technology implemented by a flare burner.

What is Bulk Combustion

With volumetric combustion, ignition occurs in the entire volume of the available fuel by the ignition method. This is achieved by creating certain thermodynamic characteristics in the combustion chamber. When ignited, the fire resembles an intensely burning torch. For this reason, the devices are called pellet flare burners.

At the same time, such modern burners as manufactured by the brand FOCUSapart from the technology of volumetric combustion, programmed air supply and cleaning of the device, they provide pyrolysis afterburning of combustion products (gases). This feature not only increases the efficiency of the boiler, but also improves the environmental performance associated with reduced emissions into the atmosphere.

As a result, pellet heating offers a level of comfort and capability that rivals gas, but at a significantly lower cost.

Pellet heating in figures

If you want to transfer your production to pellet heating, then you will need several figures and facts that determine the decision:

  • the cost of a kilowatt of heat for heating with pellets is 0.3 UAH. for 2020, which is 3 times less than when heating with natural gas;
  • with a room height of 5 m, 4 kg of pellets per hour will be required during peak frosts;
  • for space heating for every 100 m2 with a ceiling height of 5 m, 6 tons of pellets are needed per season;
  • installation of a pellet boiler room does not require permission from regulatory authorities;
  • existing and new heating circuits can be connected to the pellet boiler room using standard piping;
  • pellets in Ukraine are not standardized, for this reason, to reduce costs, you can purchase wood or agricultural raw materials and granulate it on a press grinder;
  • offered pellet burners FOCUS are designed for the use of high-ash pellets;
  • high-ash granules from lignin and sunflower husk, corn meal can be used.

On sale are pellet flare burners with power from 15 kW to 900 kW. This allows us to talk about the organization of heating with pellets of large industrial facilities.

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