How to use fuel efficiently for heating

How to Use Fuel Efficiently

How to use pellets correctly: a few tips on how to use fuel efficiently

We have already raised the topic of using pellets in other types of heating devices (except for pellet boilers and burners). The point is that it is not recommended for the following reason. Due to the nature of combustion, the ash content of the fuel rises to 20-60%. In fact, the heating device will be clogged with soot as quickly as possible, so that the benefit from the cost of fuel raw materials will not only be minimal, but also negative.

In other words, granular fuel or pellets are suitable for combustion only if there is a special attachment in the solid fuel boiler - a pellet burner, which provides bulk combustion and pyrolysis afterburner fuel. Flare pellet burners, unlike previous versions, provide higher efficiency. In addition, the specificity of heating equipment implies compliance with the safety requirements for combustion processes. These features make it possible to control the intensity of combustion and use the controls in the climate control. It can be used to efficiently use fuel.

Fuel efficient use with climate control

Pellets provide 50% heating savings in relation to the main gas price. But costs can be further reduced through the rational use of heat. This is done using climate control.

Saving functions with climate control:

  • decrease in room temperature in the absence of tenants, workers and visitors;
  • fast heating "on demand" with warm air, which is realized by connecting switches or motion sensors;
  • zonal temperature rise;
  • maintaining a constant microclimate depending on weather conditions.

Climate control allows you to efficiently use fuel and reduce fuel consumption by another 15-20%.

Pellet heating equipment FOCUS microprogrammed

Pellet boilers or the burners are controlled by a microcontroller. This is necessary, first of all, to solve the problem of safe combustion, in order to exclude the likelihood of "performing" mechanical work by gaseous combustion products. Basically, it is about controlling the parameters to avoid an explosion. Firmware control makes it possible to control the burner - combustion intensity on demand and in accordance with scenarios. This is ensured with the help of the proven PLUM equipment, this company has developed controllers specifically for boilers and pellet burners.

Pellet burners FOCUS help improve fuel efficiency and improve the comfort level of your space. FOCUS always focuses on features.

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