Electric heating in the house: is there an alternative to gas?

Cheap to Operate Heating You Can Buy, This Is A Stove Heating With An Electric Boiler Or A Pellet Boiler House

Electric heating in the house: is there an alternative to gas in a private house and a pellet boiler?

You are interested in electric heating so as not to overpay. This is truly a worthy alternative to gas in a private home, with its “buts”. The main problem with gas heating consists of three parts. At the very beginning, you need to make an expensive individual heating project; at 2024 prices, it will cost approximately 100 thousand UAH. Then you need to buy a boiler, and economical condensing boilers cost 30 thousand UAH. Then you can spend money on climate control and a weather regulator; in total, such a system will cost 30-50 thousand UAH for the whole house, and 180-200 thousand UAH on a turnkey basis.


We offer you the option of full autonomy with the comfort level of gas, but at low costs.


We compare types of heating based on installation and operating costs

As a result, the cost of gas heating with subsequent colossal expenses will be about 180 thousand UAH. For this price you can purchase monoblock pellet boiler, which is not a shame to install in the hallway, and heat the house with savings of up to 70% or even almost free if you have affordable agricultural waste and a granulator. 

An electrode-type electric boiler does not require a permit. There are versions that allow you to make an adjustable heating circuit from an external temperature sensor. On its basis, you can deploy full-fledged heating with radiators and heated floors, without the risk of being in the zone of constant electromagnetic radiation. 

Electric Heating From Solar Low Temperature Circuit
Electric heating from the sun of a low-temperature circuit with a backup electrode boiler, also for domestic hot water through an indirect heating boiler. And an electric boiler for heating radiators in winter, which also turns on automatically based on a temperature sensor.

The cost of a 2 kW electrode boiler with a monoblock control unit is 5000 UAH. for 2024. This device can heat one climate-controlled circuit. Thanks to climate control, you can save up to 20% from gas heating costs, but operating costs take into account the increase in electricity prices to 5 UAH. for 1 kW will still be high. In other words, electric heating in the house is beneficial only when you cannot afford an expensive installation. In this case, it should be combined with fireplace heating and connected as a backup during the period when there is no heating with solid fuel. This is a completely adequate approach that allows you to combine savings and comfort.

How profitable is Electric Heating? Fireplace Heating with Solar System and Electric Boiler.
Fireplace heating (TT boiler) with control of the coolant supply temperature by a controller and a backup electric boiler, switched on based on data from the coolant temperature sensor and in the room. In spring-autumn and bad weather, underfloor heating is provided by a solar system.


Electric heating and climate comfort

This type of heating is represented on the market by several technologies: thermal panels, electric boilers, infrared floors and electrode boilers. Each type allows you to configure climate control, that is, set the temperature in the room and, in some cases, set scenarios. 

If you use an electric boiler to heat heating circuits, then climate control can be achieved using controlled thermostats. We recommend Danfoss for these purposes. These thermostats are installed on radiators and controlled by contact or via a mobile application.

Climate Control If You Have Central Heating In Your Apartment
Climate control using Wi-Fi thermostats controlled by a mobile application.

As a more expensive alternative, we offer the PLUM programmer. But still, it will be able to recoup the investment when used with a boiler. Weather regulator PLUM EcoMax860 P you don't have to buy if you buy a FOCUS pellet boiler, since this heating equipment is controlled by a microcontroller, which will allow you to deploy climate control without additional investments. You only need to purchase climate control devices.

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