Electric heating from the sun or heating from pellets using FOCUS boilers
The OFFGRIDE automatic heating system offered by FOCUS involves connecting a programmer and a PLUM weather controller to the boiler. By default, deployable climate control can work with several heating sources, including solar panels or a solar system that heats the coolant. Electric heating from the sun is beneficial when using the “green tariff”.
Such a heat source is very interesting in its efficiency during the off-season, providing heated floors and hot water treatment. The operation of the devices is mutually interconnected weather controller EcoMAX860 P. A schematic diagram of the solution is shown in the illustration.

Electric heating from the sun: “green tariff” and heating by electrode boilers with climate control
The minimum power of an electric boiler capable of heating about 40 m2 is 1-2 kW. In general, such heating is enough for a small country house. Moreover, this will be a full-fledged system that will provide comfort and coziness in the cold.
The problem with such a system is the low power generation on cloudy days, and in winter, a significant part of the days the sun is obscured by dense clouds. You should not expect to generate the amount of electricity required for heating during this period. For heating, a roofing solar system will even be more efficient than solar panels that generate electricity.
The only approach that makes it possible to implement the concept of electric heating from the sun is the installation of a solar power plant under the “feed-in tariff” system. This means that solar panels generate electricity and supply it to the general network. On cloudy days, electric heating from the sun is not effective, but the missing electricity can be obtained from the main network.
The PLUM weather regulator will help optimize heat consumption. If you have a large farm and electric heating is clearly not enough. We recommend a pellet boiler as an accessible heat source. It will provide you with cheap heat on winter days.
Solar solar system, thermal buffer, underfloor heating
Heated floors heated by a solar solar system can become interesting from the point of view of economy and optimal use of available resources within the framework of the passive house concept. Heating can be connected by an automatic weather controller using a temperature sensor outdoors and indoors. This will allow you to maintain a pleasant and comfortable temperature in the room in spring and autumn, when the solar system is able to provide the necessary heat.
To conserve the thermal energy of the sun, using direct and indirect heating, the coolant can be heated in a thermal buffer, which will be supplied to the underfloor heating system during the day. This solution guarantees completely free heat in the autumn-spring period. It can be used in small country houses, outbuildings, heated terraces, as well as in large houses, shopping centers and offices.
Switching between heat sources will be provided by the PLUM programmer.
Solar panels for electricity and pellet heating
Still, the most adequate solution is to use solar panels only to generate electricity. For backup heating, electric boilers made in a monoblock form factor can be installed on adjustable heating circuits. They can be connected when the pellet boiler is turned off. For example, in the absence of a granule. The best option is to heat underfloor heating from the sun in the spring and autumn. However, this is true for regions with some shortage of pellets.
The fact is that a pellet boiler can provide autonomous heating at a low cost. In some cases, if home-made pellets are used, heating with pellets will be free.
Pellet equipment FOCUS works with high-ash agro-granules with minimal emissions into the atmosphere, requires minimal maintenance and has built-in climate control for comfortable heating of rooms and savings. When the temperature of water heating by a solar system for heated floors decreases, it can connect a burner to maintain temperature indicators.