Gasification boiler (definition)

Gas generator boiler - This boiler, which uses a gasification process to produce combustible gas from solid fuel (such as wood, coal or pellets). This process takes place in a special boiler chamber where, under the influence of high temperatures and limited access to air, the organic fuel is decomposed into gaseous components, which are then burned to produce heat.

Gas generator boiler: main characteristics:

  • Fuel gasification: Solid fuel is first decomposed into carbon gas and pyrolysis gases, and then these gases are burned to generate heat.
  • High efficiency: such boilers have high efficiency due to the effective combustion of both solid fuel and gases formed during its decomposition.
  • Fuel economy: Due to the complete combustion of gases and residual coal, boilers require less fuel to produce the same volume of heat compared to traditional solid fuel boilers.
  • Fewer emissions: The gasification process reduces the volume of harmful emissions, which makes gas generator boilers more environmentally friendly.

Gas generator boilers are an excellent choice for those looking for a more efficient and environmentally friendly alternative to conventional solid fuel boilers.

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