We carry out piping of home boiler rooms at a professional level
Today we will consider the question of how the piping of home boiler rooms is done. And how does the process of connecting an expensive boiler differ from boiler equipment of a lower cost or one that implements part of the functionality. In each case, after completing the work, you can get an economical heating system with comfortable climate control in the spirit of modern heating systems.
What is the difference between the piping of boiler rooms and a boiler
Professional hydraulic piping for domestic boiler rooms is different from piping for boilers. This is due to the fact that modern boilers are often fully functional devices that only require connection to the heating circuit. For example, gas equipment is equipped with a pump, two water heating circuits for the heating system and hot water supply, a compensation tank and a safety group. In fact, such boilers are mini-boiler houses that require almost no knowledge from the user for installation and operation. Nevertheless, even such solutions require professional intervention and installation of additional equipment.

Along with the listed features, many modern household boilers are able to adjust parameters depending on climatic conditions, user settings, set manually and using a programmer. In other words, they have “on board” security and climate control sensors. They can also, in addition to setting the heating temperature, switch the operating mode between the high-temperature and low-temperature circuits, thus ensuring the heat supply of radiators and underfloor heating at different times of the year.
But in practice, a single-circuit boiler of a fairly high power without additional gas or electric boiler equipment can provide all the listed and available heating functions at the same time. Moreover, when setting up home automation, adjusting the heating parameters dynamically. In this case, it will be necessary to make the piping of the boiler room by adding equipment that is absent in the system and connecting the heat supply circuits to the heat consumers.
The main difference between the piping of a full-featured gas boiler and the piping of the boiler room differs in a different set of equipment. In the first case, only the connection of heat consumers is required, in the second case - in the case of a boiler room - it is necessary to ensure safe functionality using separate functional and structural elements of the piping. Both options have their own characteristics and advantages, even if the cost of the work is the same.
Tying solid fuel boilers
Normal solid fuel boiler is a heating device in which the thermal energy generated during combustion is transferred to the coolant. With its help, heat consumers are heated. They are considered as radiators, hot water circuit, warm floors and other devices. The number of consumers can be increased indefinitely if the required boiler power is available for heat supply.
Solid fuel boilers differ in that in classical models they provide only the transfer of heat energy with minimal regulatory functions. This is made possible by maintaining the intensity of the flame by supplying air through the door. For the same purpose, the "blower" is used. This can also be realized with a dedicated variable fan system. In this case, to improve the combustion process, air can be supplied pointwise through the nozzles, from above and below the fuel chamber. However, such an adjustment does not provide a high accuracy of parameter setting.
How the temperature in the circuits is controlled using a pump
The boiler output is determined by the useful area of the heat exchange circuit. Water as a heat carrier can be supplied to radiators using gravitational forces, thus ensuring gradual mixing of cold and hot water and uniform distribution among consumers. If necessary, the gravity circuit can be supplemented with forced circulation using a bypass with a pump.

The minimum piping of a solid fuel boiler implies:
- compensation (expansion) tank to create pressure in the heating system;
- a boiler safety group for monitoring the temperature in the circuit;
- it is advisable to install the pump on the boiler group.
In such systems, temperature regulation is usually not used, since the heating circuit connects cast iron radiators. Temperature setting is possible in systems with modern aluminum and bimetallic batteries, but the limitation of use is the maximum operating temperature. It is usually 90C, in rare cases up to 120C.

Common engineering solutions
To avoid damage to the equipment and to fine-tune the system, a heat exchange loop is introduced as a buffer tank. Safe piping of domestic boiler rooms can be implemented in various ways, using:
- hydraulic arrow;
- indirect heating boiler;
- heat accumulator.
This solution already lends itself better to adjustment. It allows the connection of climate control sensors as well as several heating circuits. This piping format involves the deployment of a mini-boiler room with any complexity.

Household boiler room piping: used pipe fittings
Heating circuits in such systems can be controlled analogously. Using pipe fittings and ready-made assemblies:

Strapping solid fuel boiler FOCUS with microcontroller control - differences from the classic case
Solid fuel boiler FOCUS differs from other equipment of this class by firmware control. The device is connected to the heating system through a heat exchanger. Or in the presence of a four-code valve, which is controlled by the boiler automation along with the combustion intensity. The piping of domestic boiler rooms in this case is also provided with the help of welded victalitic connections. This greatly extends the service life of the system.

The presence of a hydraulic switch allows the cascade connection of several boilers. For example, a backup electrode electric boiler, which will automatically maintain the temperature in the room in the absence of home owners.