Is it possible to realize autonomous heating without a solid fuel heat source? Options and prices
Now, among professionals and home owners, you can often hear a discussion about how to implement fully autonomous heating. This concept implies not only the absence of external connection to heat supply networks or the use of electricity for these purposes, but also the automation of the heat supply system, which provides significant savings. The technological direction is also closely related to the concept of a passive house that requires minimal heating in winter.
Unfortunately, most proposals for the use of geothermal heating and solar energy do not stand up to the criticism of a real-world installation. The same advertised heat pumps have their limitations and operate at temperatures not lower than -25 ° C. This, as you understand, is not enough even in the middle zone of our continent. The aforementioned solar power plants and geothermal systems can only be used as auxiliary ones and significantly reduce energy consumption during the heating season. The alternative remains solid fuel, access to which is simplified especially for owners of land plots remote from the city.
Comparison of prices for the initial installation of "green" heating systems
Geothermal and solar heating by default is distinguished by expensive installation and almost free operation. Let's figure out how much geothermal heating costs. This technology is now associated with a heat pump, although this is not the only implementation. The total cost of purchasing and installing geothermal heating equipment with such a sale is about 8,000 euros. The price of such autonomous heating may differ depending on the place of purchase and the selected pump model.

The disadvantage of a heat pump is the winter temperature limit during normal operation. They correspond to the -25 markºWITH.

Solar heating
Solar heating is realized using modular solar systems and solar collectors. For heating tasks, an all-season solar system is required (seasonality of use is indicated in all products of this class). All-season models can accumulate solar heat even during periods of heavy cloudiness. The calculation is carried out by the volume of the coolant, since the volume of heat is uneven. Autonomous heating from the sun is often combined with electric heating, but it allows you to save well on electricity during the off-season.
To use solar heating, you will need 2 to 4 solar installations providing a total of about 400 liters of heated coolant. The cost of such equipment ranges from 50-100 thousand hryvnia. The maximum costs for solar heating will be lower - about 3600 euros.
Solar heating and low temperature heating
The disadvantage of the solar system is the unpredictable amount of heat in winter. At the same time, according to statistics, heating of the coolant does not exceed 30 ° C. Which, you see, is not enough for normal heating of premises even in the off-season. But solar systems can be advised for property owners who use low-temperature heating in combination with electricity or stove-fireplace heating during frost periods. For these purposes it will be interesting warm wall technology.
So, if you want to make yourself a low-temperature heating and be heated during the frost period with stoves and fireplaces with a cast-iron firebox (400 euros per unit), this will be enough to heat the house. To maintain a comfortable temperature at home for 200 sq. m you can buy two fireplaces. The cost will be 800 euros. With the help of cast-iron furnaces, air heating of the second floor is often organized.
In aggregate, the cost of deploying such autonomous heating, operating on a solar system and cast iron fireplaces, will not exceed 4200 euros. Still, it is 2 times cheaper than buying a heat pump.
Fuel pellets - the best option for renewable solid fuels
Comparing geothermal and solar heating is possible only with a fuel source that can be obtained for remote farms at no extra cost. Obviously, but classic wood and coal cannot be considered in this role. But for these purposes, pellets or fuel pellets are quite suitable.
They can be made from wood chips, grass, various agricultural waste, which are available in sufficient quantities on farms. We talked about this in a separate publication, how to do free autonomous heating and comparable in operating costs to solar and geothermal systems.
One of the problems of self-harvesting and pellet production on the farm is the unstable and higher ash content of the fuel. For this reason, foreign boilers designed for an indicator not higher than 1% cannot be installed.
But there is an alternative ...
Solid fuel boilers FOCUS with door adapter for pellet burners
Pellets are renewable solid fuels. They can be harvested without logging activities and without violating the law on deforestation. This is a significant plus in comparison with coal, briquettes and wood, which are used for classic solid fuel heating. When buying certified pellet fuel according to European standards, the savings per kilowatt compared to gas will be 50%.
In the case of self-harvesting from agricultural waste and branches, pellet fuel costs free. At the same time, regardless of the ash content, it can be used to heat a house or a farm using FOCUS solid fuel boilers with a pellet burner. For heating a house with an area of 100 sq. m will be required during the heating season 2-3 tons of pellets.
The equipment is supplied with a pellet module. The initial cost of the installation is approximately 3,000 euros.
The proposed solid fuel boilers FOCUS can be classified as environmentally friendly equipment. The used technology of volumetric combustion with the help of a pellet flare burner allows complete combustion of fuel. This happens together with the secondary combustion products, providing high heat transfer.

At the same time, FOCUS solid fuel boilers can provide sufficient heat to heat the coolant in winter. The installed Plum EcoMAX microcontroller in combination with related equipment allows the use of a remote-controlled climate control system. As a result, the solution based on the FOCUS boiler surpasses gas heating in terms of comfort level, and the operating cost is much cheaper. Or practically free.
FOCUS pellet boilers are available with capacities from 6 to 500 kW. The offered range of household models allows you to heat large households. If there is a need to install a high-performance boiler room to meet the needs of a hotel, a cottage town, the capacity based on a cascade boiler room can be increased to 2.2 MW.
Autonomous heating on pellet boilers FOCUS at a lower installation price can be free during operation. At the same time, it has no temperature restrictions.
Heating equipment FOCUS is a well thought-out solution for individual and communal heating systems. They are characterized by low operating costs for regions with cold winters.
Order a pellet boiler room for home
Order a pellet boiler room for a hotel
Get a boiler house project for the village