Heating options, production without gas: air curtains

Heating Options, Production Without Gas: Thermal Curtains - Firebox - Solid Fuel Pellet Boilers, Pellet Burners, Industrial

Air-heating curtains and efficient heating of production

Modern heating industrial premises implies a choice between available technologies that make affordable heating without gas available. This implies not only a method of generating heat and choosing an energy carrier, but also options for supplying heat in production shops. One of the effective solutions for heating production are air-thermal curtains, with the help of which the air coming from the street is heated. At the same time, the total heat loss is reduced.

Thermal curtains in production heating

Production facilities must be equipped in accordance with certain standards, including the requirements for space heating. In addition, internal standards based on accounting policies are based on the technical specifications of the equipment installed in the shops. By implementing efficient heating, production increases its profit share and lowers its costs. And this is the main goal of optimizing the production boiler house.

But the changes should concern not only heat sources and boiler equipment, but also the ways of supplying it to the heating object. For many industries, the heating of the premises itself is not so much important for the comfort of the work of employees as the thermal regime for the production of products. The technological problem is solved by the heating system, when creating a project of which all heat losses are taken into account, which, if possible, are eliminated.

However, there are also those conditions under which heat leaks will be objective. What, for example, happens during the shipment and receipt of products. This mode is also typical for service points of freight transport and trucks. The microclimate in the shops must not only be created, but also maintained. This problem is solved with the help of thermal curtains, which provide a warm circuit in places of increased heat loss.

Thermal curtains based on a water heating system

Air curtains are local heating devices. They, like radiators, can have a different design and are serviced using different energy sources. When switching to pellet boiler houses, of course, curtains that work in conjunction with a single heating system are of interest. Given the concept dynamic management, such a solution is more profitable and economical.

Thermal curtains are:

  • water;
  • electrical.

Due to the high cost of electricity for production, it is advisable to refuse from electrical appliances. The water curtains reflect the concept of heat fans, but implemented in a different form factor. Similar solutions can be implemented using industrial air heating.

How to install air curtains correctly

Warm curtains are usually installed at the top above the entrance or along the side walls. The second option guarantees less heat loss and less energy costs for the operation of the pumps. The main heating and production will be protected from heat and steam.

It should be borne in mind that the concept of "heat without gas" implies not only the transition to another coolant, but also its economy. In the case of pelletized fuels, the reduction in the cost of generating a kilowatt is approximately 50%. But in a production environment, economical heat consumption is also important. Moreover, regardless of its cost.

Heating of production is, first of all, a complex complex solution. It implies dynamic control of heating devices and optimization of energy consumption. Thanks to the automation of such systems, the ineffective heat consumption can be increased to 5-10%. Moreover, it will refer to the process flow or technical heat.

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