Heat accumulator (definition)

Thermal accumulator — is a device designed to accumulate and store thermal energy obtained from a heat source, such as a solid fuel boiler. The main task of the heat accumulator is to effectively store excess heat generated during boiler operation and ensure its gradual release into the heating system, which allows maintaining a comfortable temperature in the premises even after the boiler has stopped working.

Heat accumulator: main function

They are especially useful in systems with solid fuel boilers, where the combustion process is difficult to control precisely. When the boiler operates at full capacity and produces more heat than is required to heat the premises, the excess heat is accumulated in the heat accumulator. Later, when the need for heat increases, the heat accumulator gradually releases the accumulated heat into the heating system, which allows maintaining a stable temperature in the room without the need to constantly add fuel to the boiler.

Climate control based on a heat accumulator with an unregulated boiler

It also plays an important role in climate control systems with pump groups and weather controllers. Pump groups distribute heat to the heating circuits, and the weather controller controls the heat supply depending on external conditions, ensuring economical use of energy.

Unlike solid fuel boilers, pellet boilers are equipped with microcontrollers that provide precise control of the combustion process and temperature conditions. Due to this, pellet boilers usually do not require a heat accumulator, since boiler is able to automatically regulate its operation, maintaining a stable temperature and saving fuel. The microcontroller controls the supply of pellets and air to the combustion chamber, which allows achieving high efficiency and minimizing heat loss.

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