Concealed heating (floor radiators and fan coil units, skirting convectors)
Along with the warm wall technology providing hidden heat sources, hidden heating can be done using underfloor radiators, fan coil units and skirting convectors. This option is suitable for people who want to limit themselves to a traditional heating system with a high-temperature circuit, but at the same time want to hide room heat sources. Heating is suitable for houses with panoramic windows, where the installation of traditional heating devices is inconvenient.

Features of installation of floor radiators
The concept of latent heating in the heat supply of a house includes all options for hiding communications and heating devices. Floor radiators are practically indistinguishable from conventional ones, including those installed using conventional thermal circuit... In some cases, they may have structural differences. But, above all, this applies to concealed installation. The installation of an underfloor radiator involves laying pipes inside the floor in a heater.
The floor radiator can have different designs, but its main feature is installation in a metal box. It is covered with an easily removable metal grate that can be removed during cleaning. The design is most often made in the form of a container made of their alloy with high heat transfer. The shape of the battery is convenient for cleaning the device during operation. Some models have a plate heat exchanger and simulate a warm floor in their functionality.
The connection to the heating boiler is standard in this case. It is no different from connecting conventional batteries. Concealed radiators are controlled classically using radiator thermostats. In this case, it will be more convenient to install thermostats with Wi-Fi. It will be possible to carry out the configuration when using the mobile application from the phone.
The cost of floor radiators is about 3 times higher than that of conventional batteries. For this reason, the installation of latent heating devices will be much more expensive.
Floor fan coil units
Fan coil units are successfully used for hidden heating. A feature of these heating devices is the ability not only to heat, but also to cool the air. Fan coil units are units built according to the chiller-fan coil industrial air conditioning system. In practice, this is a fan heater with a water circuit for concealed floor connection, which can also perform air conditioning functions.
Skirting convectors
Skirting convectors can be water or electric. Connection to a high-temperature heating system implies the use of water models. Copper radiators with plinth installation are most effective. This solution is considered the most reliable, aesthetic and characterized by high heat transfer.

The design of such convectors can be different. They are made of copper pipes. The surface of the heat exchange with air of the heating element is increased by means of plate elements or pipe winding. For this reason, such radiators can be made independently. In the copper version, they will not differ in any way in efficiency from the manufacturers' models.

Another option for hidden heating is warm wallsmentioned earlier. A feature of the technology is space heating using low-temperature circuits. This means that solar and geothermal systems can be considered as a heat source. The use of heat pumps for heating warm walls is more effective, since with low-temperature heating, restrictions on the use of technology down to -25 ° C are excluded.
The all-season geothermal installation heats the heating medium up to 30 degrees Celsius. An additional 15 degrees is obtained at the expense of an electrode-type boiler. These solutions are fairly easy to integrate and have low operating costs. By connecting a low-power electric boiler to solar panels, latent heating based on warm wall technology can be made completely autonomous and free during operation.
Note that warm walls protect buildings from moisture by shifting the dew point towards the façade. This is especially true for coastal areas and for areas with high groundwater.
Use of FOCUS boilers for high temperature connection
Regardless of your choice of latent heating technology, for the organization of heat supply in a private house can be used solid fuel boilers FOCUS With pellet burners... Software-controlled devices very accurately and smoothly regulate the heating of the coolant. FOCUS boilers can be connected to a high and low temperature heating circuit. The parameters of the heating system will be controlled by the automatics according to the set scenarios.

The proposed pellet boiler rooms FOCUS, this is not only in the long term heating in an environmentally friendly way and renewable fuel, but also an opportunity not to save on heat in the winter. Such a comfortable heat supply is practically unrealizable when deploying solar and geothermal heating systems.