Pellet boiler rooms with climate control

Pellet Boiler Houses With Climate Control

Pellet boiler rooms with climate control for apartment buildings

Today we will look at the advantages of using a new type of heating equipment, these are pellet boiler houses with climate control for apartment buildings. Cascade connection of boilers allows you to scale heating capacities up to 2.5 MW. This is more than enough for a separate apartment building. Such a boiler room can be installed in a separate building or on the basement floor. Thanks to built-in microcontrollers and thermal insulation, the operation of such equipment is completely safe.


Why are pellets better than other types of fuel?

Pellets will be cheaper than any type of fuel, since they are made from waste, this can be wood waste from woodworking enterprises, agricultural waste, or even plant debris that is collected during the summer season. A distinctive feature of FOCUS pellet boiler houses is the use of high-ash pellets for heating without reducing the level of environmental safety of the boiler. In other words, your utility can purchase pellets of any quality, and they will burn with high heat capacity in the FOCUS pellet burner thanks to volumetric combustion technology.

FOCUS offers industrial grade boilers. To get a boiler room, it is enough to decide on the models and connect them according to the cascade diagram, as shown in the diagram.


Climate control in cascade pellet boiler houses

Climate control in pellet boilers is implemented by a microcontroller. Functions can be scaled using expansion modules, the capabilities of which are illustrated in the photo. Thus, with the help of a cascade pellet boiler room, which is offered in a serviced and unattended version, it is possible to supply coolant at a given temperature, recommending the use of apartment modules for expanding climate control functions. 

The second option involves connecting the climate control circuits of apartment owners to a pellet boiler room. In this case, the benefits and savings will be greater, since the temperature will be regulated in accordance with three parameters:

  • temperature outside;
  • room temperature;
  • user scenarios.

Climate control allows you to make controlled heating in apartment buildings and optimize consumption depending on the wishes of the apartment owner. It's convenient, comfortable and profitable.

Wired and Wireless Climate Control From Plum


What is the difference between cascade connection of boilers and parallel connection?

Cascade connection of boilers differs from parallel connection in that each subsequent boiler is turned on when the heating power increases. FOCUS boilers are fully automatic; they turn on and off under the control of sensors.

Heating Plants With Climate Control
Scheme of cascade connection of several boilers

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