Modular solid fuel boiler (definition)

Modular solid fuel boiler house — is a compact and autonomous heating system that uses boilers that run on solid fuels (wood, coal, pellets, etc.). Modular boiler houses are designed to provide heat and hot water to various facilities, from residential buildings to industrial enterprises.

Modular solid fuel boiler: advantages

  1. Compactness and mobility:
    • Description: Modular solid fuel boilers are pre-assembled and tested units that can be quickly installed and launched.
    • Example: Modular boilers can be easily transported and placed on construction sites or in places where temporary or additional heating is required.
  2. Energy independence:
    • Description: Solid fuel boilers do not rely on external energy sources such as gas or electricity, making them suitable for remote or off-grid sites.
    • Example: Modular boiler houses can be used in rural areas or in places where there is no access to centralized energy sources.
  3. Efficiency and savings:
    • Description: Solid fuel, especially pellets, is usually cheaper and more accessible than gas or electricity. Modular boiler houses can use different types of fuel, which allows for cost optimization.
    • Example: Using pellet boilers in modular systems allows you to reduce heating costs compared to gas or electric systems.
  4. Flexibility and scalability:
    • Description: Modular boiler houses can be easily expanded or adapted to changing heating needs.
    • Example: If heating needs increase, additional modules can be added without having to reconstruct the entire system.

Operating principles of modular boiler houses:

  • Autonomy: Each module operates independently, but as part of the system they can jointly provide the necessary temperature conditions.
  • Fuel reserve: Various types of solid fuel are used, which requires a system for storing and supplying fuel.
  • Management and control: Built-in control systems automate combustion, fuel supply and ash removal processes, simplifying operation.


  • Residential and commercial buildings: To provide heating and hot water supply in residential and commercial properties where there is no access to gas or electricity.
  • Industrial enterprises: In production and technological processes where high thermal power and system autonomy are required.
  • Countryside: In remote and hard-to-reach areas where centralized heating systems are not available.


  • Need for fuel: Regular provision and storage of solid fuel can be inconvenient and require additional space.
  • Level of automation: Modular solid fuel boiler houses may have less automation compared to gas or electric systems.

A modular solid fuel boiler house is a universal and cost-effective solution for heating various objects, especially in places where there is no access to centralized energy sources. They provide autonomy, flexibility and efficiency, but require consideration of the features of fuel storage and supply.

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