Boiler with a closed combustion chamber (definition)

Boiler with a closed combustion chamber - this is a type of heating boiler, in which the combustion process takes place in a hermetically sealed chamber, isolated from the surrounding air. Such a boiler uses combustion air, which is supplied to the chamber through a separate channel, and the combustion products are removed through a chimney or ventilation system.

Boiler with a closed combustion chamber: features

  1. Closed combustion chamber:
    • The combustion chamber is completely isolated from the surrounding air, which ensures safer and more efficient combustion. The entire system is hermetically sealed, which eliminates contact of combustion products with the air in the room.
  2. Forced air supply:
    • Combustion air is supplied to the chamber through a specialized air duct, which allows for better control of the combustion process and reduces dependence on room ventilation.
  3. Efficiency and safety:
    • Boilers with a closed combustion chamber are more efficient, as they reduce heat loss and eliminate the risk of combustion products entering the room. This also increases safety, as combustion products are removed through specialized smoke removal systems.
  4. Forced draft chimney:
    • Such boilers can use a chimney with forced draft (a fan to remove combustion products), which allows them to be installed in various conditions, regardless of the height and design of the chimney.
  5. automation and control:
    • Boilers with a closed combustion chamber are often equipped with modern automation and control systems, which allows for more precise control of the temperature and operation of the boiler, providing more comfortable heating conditions.
  6. Less ventilation required:
    • Since combustion air is supplied from external sources rather than from the room, ventilation requirements are significantly reduced compared to open combustion chamber boilers.

Boiler with a closed combustion chamber is a popular choice for modern heating systems as they provide high efficiency, safety and ease of operation.

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