Condensing boiler (definition)

Condensing boiler - this is a type of heating boiler, which uses the condensing heat released when water vapor condenses to improve its efficiency and reduce energy consumption. Condensing boilers are designed to extract additional heat from the combustion products that would normally be lost in traditional boilers.

Condensing boiler: main aspects

  • Principle of operation:
    • Condensation: During the combustion process of fuel in the boiler, hot gases containing water vapor are formed. In a condensing boiler, these gases pass through a heat exchanger, where they are cooled to a temperature at which the water vapor condenses into liquid (condensate). The condensation process releases additional heat, which is then used to heat water.
    • Heat exchanger: Condensing boilers are equipped with a special heat exchanger that allows you to effectively extract heat from the condensate and then direct it to heating the water in the heating system.
  • Efficiency:
    • Efficiency: Condensing boilers have a high coefficient of performance (COP) because they use both sensible and latent heat (heat released during condensation), allowing them to achieve efficiencies of over 90%.
    • Energy Saving: Due to their high efficiency, condensing boilers offer significant fuel savings compared to traditional boilers, reducing heating costs and reducing carbon emissions.
  • Installation and operation:
    • Ventilation: Condensing boilers require the installation of a ventilation system to remove condensate and combustion products. The system must be provided with drainage paths to collect and remove condensate.
    • Service: Regular inspection and maintenance is required to ensure efficient operation of the boiler and prevent deposits from building up in the heat exchanger.
  • Types:
    • Single-circuit: Used for heating and hot water supply.
    • Double-circuit: Designed for simultaneous heating and hot water supply, but less efficient than single-circuit condensing boilers for heating.

A condensing boiler is an efficient solution for modern heating systems, allowing you to significantly reduce energy costs and reduce the negative impact on the environment.

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