Return water temperature sensor (detection)

Return water temperature sensor — is a device designed to measure the temperature of water returning to boiler or other heat source from the heating system. This sensor plays a key role in controlling and optimizing the operation of the heating system, ensuring precise temperature control and preventing overheating or incomplete heating.

Return Water Temperature Sensor: Basic Functions

  1. Temperature control: The sensor measures the temperature of the return water that returns to the boiler or heat exchanger. This allows the control system to adjust the boiler operation by regulating the supply of fuel or electricity depending on the current water temperature.
  2. Optimization of system operation: Based on the return water temperature sensor readings, the automation system can change the operating mode of the boiler or pumps to maintain optimal temperature balance and save energy. For example, if the return water temperature is too low, the boiler can increase the heating power.
  3. Equipment protection: Monitoring the return water temperature helps prevent thermal shock that can occur when there is a sudden change in temperature in the boiler or heat exchanger. This is especially important for solid fuel boilers, where sudden heating of cold water can cause damage to the equipment.
  4. Improving efficiency: Regular monitoring of the return water temperature helps to avoid situations where the boiler is operating at maximum power but cannot reach the required temperature because the return water is too cold. This helps to reduce energy costs and improve the overall efficiency of the heating system.


  • Boiler installations: Return water temperature sensors are widely used in boiler houses to control the fuel combustion process and maintain stable boiler operation.
  • Underfloor heating systems: In underfloor heating systems, sensors help regulate the temperature, preventing floors from being overheated or underheated.
  • Multi-circuit heating systems: In such systems, return water temperature sensors are used to balance temperatures between different circuits, especially if the system uses different types of heating devices, such as radiators and underfloor heating.

The return water temperature sensor is an integral part of modern heating systems, ensuring stable and safe operation of boilers and other equipment. Its installation allows you to optimize the heating process, increase energy efficiency and extend the service life of the heating system.

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