Central heating in Europe

Central Heating In Europe Absent. Ukraine will be the first EU country with such a scale.

Central heating in Europe: how it works

It must be said that central heating in Europe is very different from Ukrainian, it is absent. But there are mainline utilities that are quite expensive. Approximately 60% of energy consumed in the residential sector is for heating. However, heating consumption and types differ depending on the country and the winter temperature range. 

Approximately 40% of the European population uses gas for heating, 30% electricity, alternative renewable raw materials are used by 20% consumers, petroleum products such as diesel are used in hard-to-reach areas by 10% users. Gas is popular in Germany, although the eastern states use mainly stove heating. Electric heating predominates in Finland.

Heating in Europe is implemented as individual and cluster (from small boiler houses) due to a lack of energy resources. Some countries have begun to invest in district heating in Europe.


Directives governing individual and district heating in Europe

To reduce the cost of heating buildings, the EU has introduced requirements for the passivization of buildings. It is required to comply with energy efficiency standards, and the concept of passive houses with zero energy consumption is also popular. For these purposes, the EPBD, NZEB, EPC directives are used.

There is also the RED Renewable Energy Directive. It is used to standardize the same pellet raw materials, requiring the production of granules with low ash content. However, some of the raw materials for pellets are eliminated, that is, the cost and resources for this type of heating are reduced. FOCUS pellet boilers can operate with high-ash pellets without increasing emissions into the atmosphere. White and cold smoke will come out of your chimney. There is also a heating and cooling directive that regulates the production of equipment.

These directives are aimed at one common goal: to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase the level of energy supply for the population, as well as reduce the cost of electricity, make heating healthier and more comfortable. Improved heating technologies also contribute to the uniform settlement of northern and sparsely populated areas.

Some countries are investing in district heating networks to reduce emissions from individual or household boilers. But as expected, central heating in Europe will not be cheap.


House boiler rooms and central heating

It is necessary to distinguish by character house boiler rooms, heating apartments at home, and central heating networks from thermal power plants. In Europe, heat supply is more focused on gas consumption and individual heating. Central heating is not developed in all countries, the cost is quite high, for this reason it is better to choose a house that is heated by a pellet boiler house. It costs less.

Using our FOCUS boilers as an example, such a boiler house can be deployed with a total power of up to 2.5 MW, the equipment will be connected in cascade, and heat will be supplied to the consumers’ risers. Moreover, this type of heating supports climate control control. Due to fuel, savings reach 50-70% compared to gas. Additional deployment of climate control will make it possible to supply heat on demand in an automatic mode without limiting consumers, while saving will be achieved due to the lack of consumption of large amounts of heat during periods of absence of residents.


Communal Pellet Boiler House With Climate Control With Apartment Weather Regulators
Communal boiler room with climate control with apartment weather regulators


Climate Control With Unified Weather Regulator for Pellet Boilers
Climate control with a single weather regulator for pellet boilers


Cascade Boiler House With Climate Control. Central Heating and Pellet Boiler Installation for Apartments
Cascade boiler room with climate control for apartments with a single weather controller and touch panels apartment by apartment. Schematic diagram

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