4Pellet Burners4

Unfortunately, we do not have such a page, but we have everything you need for home heating.

But if you are already here - we will tell you a little about ourselves ...

We are a full cycle manufacturing company
and we are engaged in the industrial manufacture of the developed
us home heating equipment
and the production of industrial heat.

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Industrial Pellet Burner

Pellet burners

We produce pellet burners 17-2500 kW and automatic furnaces 25-500 kW (solid fuel boiler with microprogram control),
working on wood and agricultural pellets.

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Solid Fuel Boiler Focus With Door Adapter For Pellet Burner

Boilers with burner adapter

We release boilers with door adapter for pellet burners, characterized by the highest possible efficiency.

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Installation and Installation of Boiler Houses Based on Focus Pellet Boilers

Installation and maintenance

We carry out work on the automation of heating and heating points.

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